The Databases are composed primarily of five Databases, with different themes but completely interconnected. Fundamentally, it should be noted that all of this construction revolves around the two Fundamental Databases:
Legislation Database
The Legislation database deals with the legal and systematic treatment of the legal statutes published in the I and II series of the Diário da República [Journal of the Portuguese Republic].
It also deals with the statutes published in:
- Official Journal of the European Communities (OJEC);
- Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU);
- Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Azores (JORAA);
- Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (JORAM), and;
- Bulletin of Labour and Employment (BTE).
It also has all the Regulations of the Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and Notices of the Banco de Portugal.
The legislative matter can be searched globally (free text) or with a detailed search (by fields), and it can also be viewed in indexes (using the "thesaurus" of the base). The insertion and update of the legal statutes is made daily by a team of jurists that makes up the DATAJURIS Research Centre, acting in compliance with the SC-INTE-085 quality standard.
It should also be noted that the SERVICE provided by DATAJURIS is the first one to be CERTIFIED WORLDWIDE and, to the best of our knowledge, is still the only one to this date (September 2011).
Detailed searches can be made based on the combination of multiple different options, with no limit to combinations. The user will also be able to access the texts of published statutes simply by clicking on the option "Text" at the end of each record, which will give rise to a range of viewing options, including consolidated texts.
Jurisprudence Database
The Jurisprudence database deals with the legal and systematic treatment of the decisions rendered by all relevant Courts that make up the National Judicial System. It should be noted that nearly all the decisions already include Full text.
We also work with the information published in the Law Reports (through early 2008) and the Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice, during its publication.
It also possesses, merely as an example, administrative and tax jurisprudence issued by the Supreme Administrative Court and by the Administrative and Tax Courts.
In the Jurisprudence database, court decisions can be searched in three different ways:
- Global search;
- Detailed search (by fields) and;
- Index display (using the "thesaurus" of the base).
Detailed research can be targeted based on numerous options, fully combinable and with unlimited combinations.